
Biochemistry Department


  Available Tests : 105

Free T4

  • Turn around time : 3hrs
  • Specimen :
  • Patient Information : No Specific Requirements


  • Turn around time : 3hrs
  • Specimen :
  • Patient Information : In Females, Preferred sampling time is Day2/ Day3 of the menstrual cycle. Specific day of menstrual cycle

G-6-PD new born screen

  • Turn around time : Daily
  • Specimen :
  • Patient Information : Give brief clinical history


  • Turn around time : 2hrs
  • Specimen :
  • Patient Information : Patient to take 75g glucose and sample will be collected 2 hrs after oral administration of glucose.


  • Turn around time : 1 day
  • Specimen :
  • Patient Information : Overnight fasting is mandatory

Gall Stone Analysis

  • Turn around time : 1 day
  • Specimen :
  • Patient Information : No Special Requirement


  • Turn around time : 2hrs
  • Specimen :
  • Patient Information : GFR calculation by the formula is not applicable for patients less than 18 years. Race also plays an important role. patients age and sex is mandatory.

Glucose estimation 2.5hrs

  • Turn around time : Daily
  • Specimen :
  • Patient Information : Overnight fasting is mandatory.

Glucose F

  • Turn around time : 2hr
  • Specimen :
  • Patient Information : Minimum 8 hrs fasting is mandatory

Glucose Fluid

  • Turn around time : 2hrs
  • Specimen :
  • Patient Information : No special requirement

Glucose PP

  • Turn around time : 2hrs
  • Specimen :
  • Patient Information : Collect sample exactly 2 hours after starting meal.

Glucose R

  • Turn around time : 2hrs
  • Specimen :
  • Patient Information : No specific requirements

Growth Harmone

  • Turn around time : 3hrs
  • Specimen :
  • Patient Information : Overnight fasting is mandatory. Patient should be at rest for 30 minutes prior to sample collection.

GTT Pregnancy (1hr)

  • Turn around time : 1 day
  • Specimen :
  • Patient Information : After 1 hours post glucose load

GTT Pregnancy (2hrs)

  • Turn around time : 1 day
  • Specimen :
  • Patient Information : After 2 hours post glucose load

Hb Electrophoresis

  • Turn around time : 1 day
  • Specimen :
  • Patient Information : q


  • Turn around time : 2.00pm , 7.00pm
  • Specimen :
  • Patient Information : No specific requirements

HDL Cholesterol

  • Turn around time : Daily
  • Specimen :
  • Patient Information : No specific Requirements

Inorganic Phosphorous

  • Turn around time : 2hrs
  • Specimen :
  • Patient Information : *

Insulin Fasting

  • Turn around time : 3hrs
  • Specimen :
  • Patient Information : Overnight fasting is mandatory

Insulin PP

  • Turn around time : 3hrs
  • Specimen :
  • Patient Information : Samples to be collected 2 hours post metal

Insulin Random

  • Turn around time : 3hrs
  • Specimen :
  • Patient Information : No special Requirement


  • Turn around time : 2hrs
  • Specimen :
  • Patient Information : Overnight fasting is preferred. Avoid iron supplements for minimum 7 days prior to specimen collection

Iron Binding Capacity

  • Turn around time : 2hrs
  • Specimen :
  • Patient Information : *
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