
Serology Department


  Available Tests : 59

Rubella IgM

  • Turn around time : *
  • Specimen :
  • Patient Information : No Specific Requirements

Rubella IgM

  • Turn around time : *
  • Specimen :
  • Patient Information : No Specific Requirements

Torch Panel IgM

  • Turn around time : *
  • Specimen :
  • Patient Information : No Specific Requirements

Torch Panel IgM

  • Turn around time : *
  • Specimen :
  • Patient Information : No Specific Requirements

Torch Panel IgM & IgG

  • Turn around time : *
  • Specimen :
  • Patient Information : No Specific Requirements

Toxoplasama IgM

  • Turn around time : *
  • Specimen :
  • Patient Information : No Specific Requirements

Toxoplasma IgG

  • Turn around time : *
  • Specimen :
  • Patient Information : No Specific Requirements


  • Turn around time : *
  • Specimen :
  • Patient Information : No Specific Requirements

Western Blot Test for HIV

  • Turn around time : daily
  • Specimen :
  • Patient Information : patient consent on HIV Consent (form 10) is mandatory only primary sample tube is accepted aliquoted samples not accepted

Widal (slide method)

  • Turn around time : daily
  • Specimen :
  • Patient Information : no special requirement

Widal (Tube method)

  • Turn around time : Daily
  • Specimen :
  • Patient Information : no special requirement
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