
Test List


  • Turn around time : Daily
  • Specimen :
  • Patient Information : no specific requirements

Absolute Eosinophil Count

  • Turn around time : 1 hr
  • Specimen :
  • Patient Information : B

Absolute Lymphocyte Count

  • Turn around time : 1 hr
  • Specimen :
  • Patient Information : B

Absolute Neutrophil Count

  • Turn around time : 1 hr
  • Specimen :
  • Patient Information : B

Acid Phosphatase prostatic Fraction

  • Turn around time : Daily
  • Specimen :
  • Patient Information : no specific requirements

Acid Phosphatase total

  • Turn around time : Daily
  • Specimen :
  • Patient Information : no specific requirements

Adenosine Deaminase ; ADA

  • Turn around time : Daily
  • Specimen :
  • Patient Information : No specific requirements

AFB Stain

  • Turn around time : Same day
  • Specimen :
  • Patient Information : No special requirement


  • Turn around time : *
  • Specimen :
  • Patient Information : a


  • Turn around time : 2 Hrs
  • Specimen :
  • Patient Information : No Specific Requirement

Alk.Phosphatase(ASCITIC FLUID)

  • Turn around time : *
  • Specimen :
  • Patient Information : *

Alkaline Phosphatase

  • Turn around time : Daily
  • Specimen :
  • Patient Information : Overnight fasting is preferred

Alkaline Phosphatase Bine- Specific

  • Turn around time : *
  • Specimen :
  • Patient Information : No specific requirement

Alkaptonuria qualitative

  • Turn around time : *
  • Specimen :
  • Patient Information : Wrab freshly voided urine in a container covered with aluminium foil to protect from light. Clinical and drug history must accompany sample

Alkaptonuria Quantative

  • Turn around time : Daily
  • Specimen :
  • Patient Information : None

All other Biopsies/Biopsy for site & more

  • Turn around time : *
  • Specimen :
  • Patient Information : *

All small Biopsies (Skin /Endo&Cx/Appendix/Endoscopic biopsies/Gall bladder)

  • Turn around time : *
  • Specimen :
  • Patient Information : *

Alpha Feto Protein (AFP) - amniotic fluid

  • Turn around time : Daily
  • Specimen :
  • Patient Information : no specific requirements

Alpha Feto Protein (AFP) - Maternal

  • Turn around time : Daily
  • Specimen :
  • Patient Information : Test is recommended between 14-22WKs of pregnancy

Alpha Feto Protein (AFP) - Tumor marker

  • Turn around time : Daily
  • Specimen :
  • Patient Information : Breif Clinical History


  • Turn around time : daily
  • Specimen :
  • Patient Information : no specific requirements


  • Turn around time : Daily
  • Specimen :
  • Patient Information : no specific requirements


  • Turn around time : *
  • Specimen :
  • Patient Information : *

ANA (Immunofluoresence)

  • Turn around time : Daily
  • Specimen :
  • Patient Information : No specific requirement
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